Monday 4 June 2012

Lunar eclipse as well as Venus transiting the Sun

Handknit sock
(hand-dyed yarn by NeedleFood, a New Zealand supplier
that closed after the Christ Church earthquakes)

Winter is here. The temperature fell below 10C (below 50F) this morning. We do like sitting in front of the fireplace on these clear, cold mornings. We've unpacked our handknitted socks and fingerless gloves. Grevilleas bloom outside the kitchen window and currawongs claim the nearby birdbath. The currawong tribe has brought young ones and several times a day the air is filled with their melodious songs as they forage in the area.
Grevillea superb
We are spending tomorrow with the twins and their mum. I have finished knitting one sample sock and shall try the sock on each of the two grandsons. Surely, it will fit one of them! Of course, that's just the beginning of this knitting project. I am also ready to wind a warp for my next weaving project.

Is it today's lunar eclipse or the transit of Venus across the Sun that has stimulated this wave of creativity?

Captain Cook sailed to Tahiti to record a transit of Venus across the Sun in 1769. The data collected helped navigators determine longitude more precisely. Cook sailed on and “discovered” Australia in 1770, on the same voyage. The British declaration of this new land as “terra nullius” - or land belonging to no one – continued to characterise Australian law with regards to land and title and was only overturned by the High Court of Australia twenty years ago (3 June 1992) in a case that made the name Mabo familiar to every Australian. Eddie Mabo, a Torres Strait Islander, campaigned for indigenous land rights and played a remarkable role in helping achieve that landmark Mabo decision twenty years ago.

So ends today's lesson....

Post by M in JaM
photos by JaM

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