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Queensland dragonfly (100mm = 4inch wingspan) |
Every night over the past few weeks, a
pair of dragonflies (100mm = 4inch wingspan) have been entering the house just on dusk before we close doors and windows. They settle for
the night on Chinese hanging Christmas decorations (foil) still strung from the ceiling. The dragonflies are pretty safe from geckoes there.
And there's no wind inside. In the morning, after it warms up, they
fly out one of the windows which we throw open as soon as we rise. I love sharing my home with dragonflies.
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River Gum sheds the past |
I also love to learn new things. I don't
expect to be an expert or authority on any one thing, because I can't
resist the lure of learning something new. DH gives me encouragement
and reminds me that you often learn more from failure than from
success. New creations don't always bring satisfaction. Often they bring inspiration for improvement.
Almost two years ago, before the twin
grandsons were born and things got very busy for all concerned, I
decided to learn to do a crackle weave with a summer & winter
treadling on my 4-harness Gilmore loom. I'd never done a crackle
weave threading. An issue of Handwoven (September/October 1994) got
me started. I based my project on Dixie Thai's Buttercup Baby
Blanket, p 83, in that issue. It took a lot of mental gymnastics on
my slow brain's part as I wanted a narrower warp, but just how narrow
should I make it and don't forget 18% shrinkage. I had to figure out
how many pattern repeats I would need. And I'd be using a different
weft. Did I have enough yarn? I made decisions and wound the warp,
then the twins were born. One year later I got the warp out of storage,
threaded and warped the loom, wove to the end of the warp, cut the
fabric off the loom and carefully packed the roll of fabric away as
hot weather arrived.
This year's cooling weather and
diminishing numbers of eye flies* in the Shed have given me the chance
to unpack the roll of woven fabric and set about finishing that
fabric. I used our treadle sewing machine to zigzag lines of
stitching beside cutting lines of the woven sections. Then I cut
apart the sections and pinned the hems. As I refilled a bobbin for
the sewing machine, the old leather treadle belt broke (again). No
longer repairable, it had to be replaced. I felt incredibly lucky
when I located a supplier in a town 45 minutes drive away. I was
going to that town anyway for my free two-yearly eye exam (socialised
medicine, what a blessing). In the meantime I handstitched the hems
on my first newly woven cotton table runner, It's been washed and now
lies on our table (photo above). There's more of these crackle pieces
waiting to be hemmed and the new treadle belt waiting to be
*eye flies: Queensland's eye, ear, nose and throat flies, small quick and in large numbers this time of year. They swarm about your head and dart into your eyes for a quick drink of eye moisture. We don't like'm at all!
Post by M in JaM
Photos by J in JaM