Monday 12 December 2011

Silly Season

Poinciana provides colours of the season
The Silly Season has arrived. That means I've developed an anxious, hectic feeling of too much to do (such silly high expectations) while too hot and limp to do anything about it. As my Mom would put it: stewing in your own juices. My solution has two parts:

  1. Get up REALLY early, while it's cool and before the brain goes soggy. 
  2. Accept the rapid rate at which items are falling off my priority list. 
Tropical Priority Lists??? I think I may need A Cup of Tea, a Bex and A Good Lie Down.

Our bedroom lies a short distance from the house. There's no electricity in the bedroom. We use torches (flashlights) to light our way to bed and to avoid accidentally stepping on any snakes that might be out in this warm weather.

Recently, we've begun encountering a frogmouth. We, in the process of retiring, frogmouth in the process of hunting and perched at about our head height in a small tree. Last night, a small tail hanging from her beak, the frogmouth froze, crouched on the ground beside our track. Ah, diligent hunter and careless geckoe. We paused and restrained our old dog, who didn't show any actual interest, until frogmouth flew to safety.

Though not a true owl, frogmouths enchant me. Observe how cleverly she turns into a broken, dead branch during the day. Masterful camouflage.

Frogmouth in daytime
We didn't see the total lunar eclipse. Instead we had thunder, lightning and overcast skies, until it finally rained during the night, obscuring the eclipse. The good news: the roof didn't leak. Looks like the recent fix did the job. Yay! Now... I can't resist... what else is on that list.......

photos by J in JaM
post and photo editing by M in JaM

1 comment:

WildBill said...

Terrific blog. It gets hot in the northern states in the summer, but probably nothing like what you experience. I've never even heard of a frogmouth! Interesting.